Meet the Board

Left to right, Manna House Ministries Board Members Pam Baz, Jeff Hughey, EJ Hancock, Bernice Peavyhouse, Bob Washburn, Joe Wheeler – Board President, Billy Webb-Program Director, Faye Neil, and James McCurdy
A Message from Board of Director’s President – Joe Wheeler
Who am I to Judge?
I had been a member of the Manna House board of directors for over ten years. However, I am ashamed to say I had never really got involved with the ministry or the people that came to Manna House looking for help.
That all changed about seven years ago when I attended my first recovery meeting just to see for myself what really went on when those drug addicts and alcoholics got together.
As I sat there quietly and listened, these folks started opening up and talking about things like what led them to addiction, the hurt, pain and suffering caused by their actions along the way, and others on their daily struggles just trying to stay clean and/or sober for another day. The more I heard the more I began to realize maybe I was wrong about the way I had always judged those in addiction.
So I left the meeting that night with a lot of emotions I was really not expecting. I kept coming back week after week it was like something was drawing me to this place. Within a few short weeks as I got to know everyone, my life and view of addicts of all types began to change. It was clear in my heart that I needed to repent before GOD for thinking of and/or judging addicts as a second class group of people instead of human beings just like me that GOD created. I realized that I could easily be exactly where some of them were with just one bad decision.
Many of the people I encountered at the meetings over the weeks and months to come were bound by one or more of the following situations in their life. Some were hurting, some were broken, and some were even dying. Many were lost (mentally and/or spiritually). Others were sick, ashamed, scared, homeless, friendless, disowned by their family, heartbroken, and felt helpless.
My heart was broken with compassion and I started asking myself, could I possibly have something or do something to help these folks that are ready to turn their life around?